Comprehensive Health Programs
For Corporations and Small, Medium Enterprises. These programs are designed for the peace of mind and needs of your employees

Full-risk Program
A full HMO program designed with a comprehensive health care package and a defined set of benefits with membership fees computed based on company demogprahics.

Administrative Services Only (ASO)
A third-party administration program designed to be a self-funded program wherein the client can set up a revolving fund where the claims and availment cost will be drawn out.
Comprehensive Programs Inclusions
Outpatient Care
- Unlimited medical consultations
- Treatment of minor injuries (e.g. lacerations, wound dressing, burns, scrapes and the like)
- Minor surgeries not requiring confinement
- Laboratory, X-ray, and diagnostic exams as prescribed by an affiliated physician
- Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (EENT) Treatment
- Cauterization of warts
- Sclerotherapy for varicose veins
- Allergy testing and screening
- Speech therapy (for stroke patients)
- Tuberculin test
Inpatient Care
- Room and Board accommodation
- Use of Operating Room, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Isolation Room and Recovery Room
- Professional fees of attending Physician/s
- Standard nursing activities
- Prescribed medicine for Inpatient use
- Human blood products and IV fluids transfusion
- X-ray, laboratory tests, diagnostics tests and therapeutic procedures incidental to confinement
- Dressings, conventional casts, and sutures
- Anesthesia, Oxygen and its administration
- Standard admission kit
Emergency Care
- Physician’s services
- Emergency room fees
- Medicines used for immediate relief during treatment
- Anesthesia, Oxygen, IV fluids, Human blood products
- Dressings casts and suture
- X-ray, laboratory and diagnostic exams, and other medical services related to the emergency treatment of the patient
- Initial treatment of animal bites – covered for the first 24 hours from the time of bite
- Ambulatory service from a non-affiliated hospital to an affiliated one – covered up to Php 3,000 per conduction
Preventive Care
- Health education and counseling on diet and exercise
- Health habits and Family planning counseling
- Passive and Active Vaccines for the treatment of tetanus and animal bites
Optional Benefits
- Dental Coverage
- Annual Physical Exam
- Maternity Cash Assistance
- Financial Assistance for Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Wellness Program